Intravenous Vitamin and Mineral Therapy

Common clinical conditions such as fatigue, upper respiratory tract infections, asthma, migraines, muscle spasm, depression, hypertension, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis and other disorders are found to be treated effectively with intravenous vitamin and mineral formula. It is also used as part of the overall treatment of different medical conditions (1). The vitamins and minerals are administered directly into the circulatory system in this method to boost the immune response and energy level of the patients. It seems effective for sleep problems and reducing stress level (2). The formula is customized according the patients physiological requirement which can provide a speedy therapeutic response by correcting deficiency state (3). A healthy diet comprises of right amount of the vitamins and minerals which is absorbed and finely regulated to maintain good health. Altered health condition or illnesses may require supplementing the nutrients in the precise amount.
The alternative nutrient therapy by intravenous infusion has been reported to be much effective (4). Vitamin Therapy Infusions are used to treat mood disorder and anxiety, indirectly retaining neurotransmitter balance. Report shows that Vitamin D therapy repairs the defective absorption of a soluble calcium salt, and prevents osteomalacia. Vitamin C helps to reduce infection whereas vitamin B and micronutrients helps to reduce muscle pain and allergic conditions (5). The overall effect brings about a healthy change. There are published research articles on the effective therapeutic use of intravenous nutrients infusion. It also serves a major role in detoxifying the system. Vitamin and mineral infusion in a modest dosage helps to increase the body defense mechanism and thus keeping the overall health and wellbeing.


1. Gaby AR (2002) Intravenous Nutrient Therapy: the “Myers’ Cocktail”. Alternative Medicine Review 7 (5): 389 – 403
5. Kehayoglou, A. K., Holdsworth, C. D., Agnew, J. E., Whelton, M. J., & Sherlock, S. (1968). Bone disease and calcium absorption in primary biliary cirrhosis: with special reference to vitamin-D therapy. The Lancet, 291(7545), 715-719.

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